Global Drums Gathering
vibrating since 88 2021


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About us

Global Drums Gathering was found in the Netherlands by Dennis Vessies in march 2021 after he had dreams and visions to create a wave effect with the vibrations of the shamanic drums around the globe with healing intensions for mother earth and ourselves. He never created a drum circle before and just made his own drum in the beginning of 2021 so it was all hands on deck for him to set this in motion. He has received alot of help from people who crossed his path of which a special thanks of support to the prophecy keeper of the 8000 Drums Thaayrohyadi & Greenlandic shaman Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq.


Our main mission is to connect people around the globe with each other to come together in the synchronized energy of ceremony that we share on our event days. On these days we make music with our (shamanic) drums to support the collective by creating a powerful field of purifying and uplifting energy to make strong energetic changes for a higher consciousness.

Experience the primal power of the drums during our global drum circles!

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